Hetherington, 2009

Iyengar and Westwood

Public opinion doesn’t exist in any meaningful way.

why polarization?

Moralization: Moral convictions weight in polatization

Affective polarization: emotion over information.

Self placement is increasing to the right so there is more distance between extremes. Fewer people place themselves in the middle.

Polarization suggests an intensity that draws on attitudes that people hold deeply. People come to perceive that their views of right and wrong and good and bad are diametrically opposed to those of their opponents, making it difficult to understand (or perhaps even respect) the worldview that makes those preferences possible. (Hetherington, 2009)

People tend to feel most intensely about issues that can be understood on the gut level.

Value based positions are polarized as in the GAL-TAN scale. Hot button issues build on conflicting values and are prone to polarization. Extremists to the left and right are equally big and dominate.

Extreme views become more popular in society.

Polarization in Europe, decreased party identification, radical populist right parties enhance conflicts

Moral conviction is the strongest attitude in politics. Terrorists for instance have the maximum moral conviction.

Which issues are prone to moralization?

Welfare cuts vs welfate state.

What is a moral conviction then?

Components of moral convictions: universalism, a perception of objectivity. Moral convictions are perceived as objective truths. No value conflict, the only place where you can compromise.

How do moral convictions affect opinion formation?

People moralize in a highly biased way. You get an additional level of stupidity, cherry picking values.