Converse 1964

Skitka, Bauman, and Sargis 2005

We believe that there is a connection between elites beliefs systems and mass opinion, but such a connection doesn’t exist.

Understanding of elites belief systems is extremely unevenly distributed in a normal population.

Most people are interested in single issues, but very few understand the logical connection between issues.

If people have opinions, they tend to be unstable.

The primary basis for mass opinion appears to be more or less vague feelings of group belonging.

What is a belief system?

It is a configuration of ideas and attitudes in which the elements are bound together by some form of constraint or functional interdependence.

With ideology, something similar to religious syncretism happens. There is no connection between elites and masses with regards of ideologies in politics.

Constraints mean the success we would have in predicting the ideas and attitudes, given the initial knowledge of someone’s attitudes.

Key argument: logically inconsistent views are rare among elites but very common among the citizens -like wanting more welfare but less taxes-.

Example of logical constraints in Sweden: voters become more right wing., but do not want to dismantle the welfare state.

Most citizens are aware of dominating group conflicts in society. But fail to see how they relate to the wider context.

Elite beliefs trickle down to the people.

Understanding of elites’ belief systems is extremely unevenly distributed ina normal population.

The ideologues have a profound knowledge about belief systems and constraints. They have a clear and correct view of policy differences. only 2,5% of the population

Near ideologues: knowledge about policy differences, depend on party cues - propaganda, if policies are vaguely connected to their group interest, they lack insight. 9%

Group interest, awareness that parties represent diverse interest, vague understanding of main political cleavages, yet stereotypical, democrats like blacks, republicans want to save money. 42%